Extra stuff
A place where I occasionally write about a topic or share some work in progress.
Two YEG designers mutually inspiring each other to keep an active practise of making.

Our ancestors loved pests. Puce is the story of one of those colours that no one can seem to agree on.
What came first—the liqueur or the colour?
The Devil's colour. The colour of sunshine. Yellow has been both beloved and despised in history. This post looks at the particular shade of Saffron Yellow, how it began, the wars it started, and the mysterious flower it comes from.
The story of how scarlet originally did not mean 'red'. The tale of Spain's secret carmine recipe. And the unexpected critter in our red foods and cosmetics.
Why are stop lights red? Does red make me stronger? And, most importantly, why does Santa Claus wear red? Read to find out>>
If you are intrigued by mysterious deaths, green desserts, and little Frenchmen with world-domination aspirations, read this>>