I'm excited to share about a show I've been working on with some friends of mine: Game Start. This show features 6 experimental video games by local Edmonton artists, designers, and programmers. My game, Idiosyncrasy, is a fusion of a Myers-Briggs-meets-Buzzfeed-quiz that will print out an Exquisite-Corpse type drawing based on your responses—all in an overdone carnival theme. It's both self-reflective and ridiculous (which is the best kind of art in my humble opinion).
If that's not your cup of tea, you have to check out the other five games that range from an adorable robot petting zoo, an AMAZING virtual-reality out-of-body simulator, a well researched DDR style game about produce waste, a calming and visually beautiful mandala-making game, and a gorgeously illustrated two-player competition about miscommunication. I am quite proud of all the hard work my team (Simon Fessehaye, Maud Madsen, and Josh Smith) put in, as well as the other groups and our curator, Kelsey Prud'homme.
The show is up at the contemporary art gallery Latitude 53 until November 13, 2016.
WIP photos below... finished work and shots of the finished gallery space coming soon